『ALWAYS 続・三丁目の夕日(2007)』の劇中で使用した帝国製麻ビルをベースに
ほぼ新規製作した「辰野金吾設計の帝国製麻(旧大栄不動産本社)ビル」のミニチュア (大栄不動産株式会社・所蔵)
展示期間:2020年9月2日(水) ~2021年2月21日(日) 開館時間:11:00~19:00 休館日:月・火曜日 入館料:無料 展示場所:高島屋史料館TOKYO 4階展示室(東京都中央区日本橋2-4-1) 主催:高島屋史料館TOKYO 公式サイトはこちら:https://www.takashimaya.co.jp/shiryokan/tokyo/exhibition/
Held from today, the 2nd
at "Revealing the Decoration: Rediscovering the Architecture of Nihonbashi
The miniature "Teikoku Seima (former Daiei Real Estate Head Office) Building designed by Kingo Tatsuno" (based on the Teikoku Seima Building used in the movie "Always: Sunset on Third Street (2007)")
A miniature of "Teikoku Seima (former Daiei Fudosan head office) building designed by Kingo Tatsuno" (owned by Daiei Fudosan Co.
(owned by Daiei Real Estate Co., Ltd.) is also on display.
The exhibition will last for about six months, until February 21, 2021.
The exhibition will run for about six months until February 21, 2021, so please stop by when you are in the Nihonbashi area.
Photography is prohibited in the exhibition hall.
